The essence of Terra Alta wine
Viticultors Bateans aposta pel raïm de garnatxa i l’agricultura ecològica

The highlands of Batea (in southern Catalonia) offer some of the best Terra Alta wines. In 2003 various grape-growers from the town decided to join forces, founding Viticultors Bateans , a cooperative committed to the cultivation of indigenous grape varieties, such as the Garnatxa Blanca (White Grenache). The cooperative now has almost forty members.

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Manyol wines, Mediterranean wines with personality

Viticultors Bateans manages around 350 hectares of vineyards, 60% of which are dedicated to organic farming. The main crop is the White Grenache variety, but they also grow Black Grenache, Syrah, Merlot, Carignan and Macabeo grapes.

In the last vintage they produced over two million kilos of grapes. Since 2012, Viticultors Bateans have run their own cellar where their Manyol wines are produced — one white and two red wines. These wines are powerful Mediterranean wines bottled under the D.O. Terra Alta appellation label.

Indigenous vines from the Terra Alta

Viticultors Bateans promotes the cultivation of local vine varieties such as the White Grenache

One of the biggest cellars in Batea

In the last vintage, Viticultors Bateans produced over two million kilos of grapes.

The best moment of maturation

They cultivate young and old vines, which have different ripening processes, and some of which are harvested by hand to ensure they are collected at the best moment.

The D.O. Terra Alta appellation

The Manyol wines (white, red, and rosé) are bottled under the seal of the D.O. Terra Alta appella-tion.

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